Thursday, July 19, 2007

Not a good blogger....obviously.

hmmm well, I knew I wouldn't be the best at this but a thread over at EB has inspired me to update.... so now to fill you in..ummmmmmmmmmmmm.

Not too much has been happening in our little world. Boys have now gone into bunk beds which is lovely but driving me nuts all the same. They have good and bad nights. Tonight was a bad one. Little brats just wouldn't settle, they were going psycho running around the room and just being bad boys.. so like I always do, I bowed out and went for a walk with my neighbour.

We are both desperate to lose some kg's and we know that aint going to happen without exercise. I have been inspired to take control of my eating which is pretty terrible at times by another EB member. She has done a fantastic job of getting herself back into a comfortable weight and most importantly taking care of herself and her body. This is what I need to do. I take care with what my kids eat most of the time, why do I not do this for myself???

So me, being me can't do this on my own so signed up to weight watchers again today. I need structure, guidelines and a goal. Me just being healthy and exercising just won't cut it for me, I need to see it, or in this case track it. Love the new WW online site. Very helpful.

On the scrapping front.. well it seems to be put aside for now. I got some gorgeous Love Elsie papers the other day which I have in front of me with a picture. I am just looking for a sketch to start me off. Love the minimalist look atm, but still have the desire to fill a page, if you know what I mean. I have a great photo to use taken by the super talented Fiona Carson, a local photographer.

Anyway....this is all very blah, blah, blah, but hopefully I'll get better at this and learn how to set up my blog better....including adding links to other blogs I read etc. Until next time...take care.

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Good Luck Mel, I went to join up on Tuesday but they didnt seem to have a discount joining up fee. Im like you I need structure and I need to be weighed in. Im forever on a diet and I just want to be back to my old weight - Whatever that was. Ma-wahhh